Awesome Planet Message


Dear awesome planet readers,

I’ve been thinking about how to improve my blog lately and how to differentiate it from my other group blogging activities. I’ve been encouraged by your appreciation and it motivates me to innovate and make my blog exciting. I’ll be transforming my blog as an artistic expression of my passions. You’ll see more photos, comic strips, and other various visual “art” (hopefully). I’ll still write about my passion, adventures and other wild ideas.

I know that it would be bandwidth intensive because of the big photos but based on my blog statistics, most of my readers would have a DSL or reading the blog in their office. Also, there are also a few people in the US which I would assume would have better connection. I know that it is not SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly, but I’ll try to accompany the photos with text descriptions.

Hope you would like it. Let me know.



also blogging at:

One thought on “Awesome Planet Message

  1. I recently learned video blogging, you might like it. Check out my site and I can help you
    Also I need some help if you don’t mind. I saw your blogger site of your kids photos (think it is yours) and I wanted to re-do the nav bar, could you help?

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